Taiwan - Day 10

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Taiwan - Day 10
ToBeHonest, we really have nothing to do on the last day except slacking.
the past 9 days have been so packed & exhaustive that I just wana chill now

anyway, here's a recap of my Taiwan trip if you've missed it

it is such a pity that we have to leave coz Taipei = LOVE!!!
I know this is pretty abstract, do you see it??

the interior of Taipei Main Station, dont really match the exterior right???

anyway, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Starbucks & cab to airport early

 had a beer with whatever we have left

& I turned ridiculously red

home sweet home~~
arrival at Singapore Changi Airport =)

overall, I totally immersed in my Taiwan trip as I literally amazed every single day.
the amount of increasing excitement is exponential until the very last day.
I wouldn't mind going back to explore the rest of Taiwan every single year!!!

reasons for going Taiwan?
shopping, fresh seafood, friendly people, speaks Chinese, sense of safety
that will be all the reason I need to go back time after time.