HTC One M7 review - one of the smartest phone this season yet!!!

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Just a little background story before we get into review....

I had my eyes on HTC One since long long time ago like January~~
then, there was a constant discussion about phones with TienBoon!!
Options: Blackberry Q10 / Z10, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4
final decision from both of us???
undoubtedly..... still HTC One!!!!
gona get our hands on it the moment it comes to Singapore
coz previously it was facing stock issues due to its ultrapixel shortages.

On top of that, I was thinking that I should concentrate on my studies
coz April would've been the month of study break before my exam hits me 
& there wasn't any room for distractions until everything ends!!!

However, I had to put HTC One ahead of schedule
after seeing TienBoon  picked HTC One outta the squarish box
In a way, I influenced him to make his purchase & he in turn influenced me back~~

Okay let's get back down to Objectives.... 
I've been using HTC One for about 3 months & I love it!!!
There is definitely amazing smartphones coming from all brands out there,
but 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'~~
IMO, none with the build quality that comes close to comparison
& that's what HTC One bought me over without any doubts =)

Pros of HTC One
1) Superb build quality: no-gap full metal aluminum body which all apple-fans love
2) Ultrapixel camera: captures amazing photos under low lighting conditions
    & optical image stabilizer prevents blurry photos in all situations
3) Beats Audio: gives the extra oomph to make music sound even better
4) 1080p display on 4.7 inch screen with Boomsound:
sometimes I just wana watch some videos I downloaded on my phone
& I have 1 of the crispiest screen on phone that can play bluray movies.
+ natural sounding loudspeaker from its dual frontal speakers like how its meant to be
coz I'm infront of the screen & dislikes phones with loudspeakers blasting to the back
5) Battery that easily last me through the day without too much gaming
If you play games or checks on (facebook + twitter + whatsapp) almost every min,
go get yourself a portable battery or this phone is not for you as you cant replace battery

6) software:
blinkfeed - gives (facebook + twitter + news) updates on the home screen
Zoe - automatically creates 30-seconds highlight video from all the (photos + videos)
camera editing functions to beautify photos (if you love to edit photos on ur phone)
7) No home button - goes in line with google's vision of android

Cons of HTC One
1) too little Cons
2) power button might be a bit awkward too high at the top
3) too thin that it might slip out of your hands (a case will settle the problem)
However, I prefer my gadgets to be without case as its primitive form is beauty
4) it takes about 3 - 4 hours to fully charge phone if phone is below 20%,
but it keeps the battery healthy without fast charge & discharge

Of course, there is alot more features of every phone,
but there is no need to consider features that I'm not using.
IMO, HTC One may not be the smartest phone in the market,
but it is the smartest phone for me by its raw potential without gimmicks
& it comes at a lower price as compared to other flagship smartphones out there
which is the game changer as long as my wallet is willing to fork out that dollar bill