25th Birthday to me!

4:54 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Given that I am turning into a quarter-century old dinosaur,
I have come to realization of my priorities in life
& I would still like to dedicate more time
to connect with people & friends through my blog.

To sum up for my hiatus, it has all been revolving around WORK WORK WORK
as I have been busy searching, applying & interviewing for Marketing related roles.
I managed to land one & I'm getting the hang of it as of this moment.
Perhaps, I shall come back to this topic at a later time =p

For the last 25 years, I haven't been celebrating much for my birthday,
but let me share one of the few yet memorable celebration when I was at the age of 10.
It was just a simple celebration with my childcare friends
who were there genuinely to share the joy or perhaps the cake.
*All kids love cakes, right!?*

Over the years, I have become more low profile & I'm usually in the category where my birthday gets forgotten due to various reasons, but let's not get too hard up on that.

At the age of 21, I haven't been to club since I am of legal age 

& decided to celebrate with my army friends on my virgin trip to Zouk.

and the year after.... coz that's how me & my army buddies would like to celebrate =)

However, I have toned down since year 2013, no parties no gifts. 
Simply spend time with my love ones!

This year was with none other than.....
my girlfriend, Audrey Lee Pei Zhi~

To end off, let me share a message in conjunction with Father's day,
"The greatest gift is to spend time together
& not the fanciful gifts."
Treasure whatever you have now before it is too late.

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