Quarter-Life Crisis: In Search of Passion

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In the year 2014, I was excelling as a Marketing Executive at SEED Institute and everyday was an opportunity for me to improve on my processes for greater efficiency and effectiveness, but that was when Quarter-Life Crisis hits......

"Is my work going to be more of a Job or Career?"

After much thought, I think not many of us may be that fortunate to have our Work and Passion aligned, but am I working towards my "Passion in Life"? For the past 26 years, I have been living a comfortable life, without me to really question myself what is "Passion". So I wrote a list of my interests and started narrowing them down to a handful, but it seems like I couldn't do much even if I managed to rank them into my top 3.

Early this year 2015, I have made the decision to leave SEED despite leading a great corporate life and took a leap of faith to pursue after my passion even though all my family and friends pointed out that I should only leave after securing a job offer or once I have any concrete plans of my future.
That being said, it has been roughly 2 whole months of soul searching since the day I left and I have encountered more obstacles than I could imagine. So, I would like to share how I felt at different stages and hope that it will be of benefit to you at present or in the near future.

--> Parting with SEED

Professionalism to the test
This should be something that is in-built in us and it will be a clear mirror that reflects how one views their work. While serving my notice period, I didn't have the mindset of "Why should I care? it does not matter coz I am leaving soon!", but rather performing at my best everyday thinking that "I have so much more to do and I am running out of time!" Even on the very last day, I was so busy that I had to even stay back after work just to send out email to thank everyone for the pleasant journey and memories in SEED.

Importance of Memories & Friends
Memories be it good or bad, those are what I take away when I leave SEED and that shall always be kept hidden in my mind. However, I started to miss my friends as though we are losing each other day by day and we wouldn't know when we will meet afterwards. So there were the farewell lunches with a couple of my colleagues that I have previously worked with and I appreciate the effort to check with me about my plans for the future.

Planning for a Bright Future
Since I have narrowed down my interests to a handful, everyday was about planning something for each of them and I will execute them all once I get all the time I needed. For example, 'I like photography and I should explore it by spending a day on the streets even though I am not comfortable with it'. The thought of being able to do the things I wanted, just makes me happy and smile ear to ear!

--> In Search for Passion

Pamper Myself with an Overseas Trip 
After a year's worth of work, I deserve to take a breather and this was a part business part leisure ShenZhen trip to broaden my mind and may be start up a small business, but I didn't get to see any potential and it turned out to be a full leisure for me. To read up on the FUN of ShenZhen trip, click --> HERE!

Who need alarms?
The greatest joy of being unemployed is to wake up naturally without the need of an alarm clock, but that also turn into a disaster as I wake up later by the day, sleeping more than I need every single day. I'm guessing that it is a placebo effect as I tell myself that I haven't sleep enough and I couldn't get out of it as my bed is just too comfortable. This has to change back to the way they were while I was at SEED!!

Putting in more effort to meetup with friends
In my heart and mind, I told myself that I have to cherish my close friends and also try to reconnect with friends from different stages of my life by linking up with one friend or a group every week, but then I ended up going out more often than when I was holding a job and I was taking away time allocated to chase after my passion. So I've been cutting down on that and focused more of blogging to let them know what I'm doing. I shall continue to have more meetup once I have everything going!

Time slipping away
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" - Bertrand Russell
Some days are productive and some days not. Facebook, YouTube, Online Shopping and Gaming are the activities that can sap away my time when I sit in front of the computer. So most of time, I have to almost work in solitude and silence to get things done; slowly gaining the momentum back.

Anyway, Thanks for the support by reading this, that is all for this blogpost and I shall share my discoveries once everything starts to settle!


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